GreenPoint Rated
Single Family

Are you interested in making safe, healthy, and eco-responsible home improvements, but don’t know where to start? GreenPoint Rated is
here to help. We provide a comprehensive, easy-to-follow process that goes beyond simply meeting code, taking the guesswork out of
selecting and evaluating a home’s green features. It is our goal to improve the performance, comfort, and durability of your home while
reducing environmental impacts. Together, we can make California an even better place to live.

18,967 GreenPoint Rated single family homes in California

GreenPoint Rated homes are at least 10% more energy efficient than standard built homes

Approximately 39,830 total GHG emissions have been prevented, the equivalent to taking 8,662 cars off the road for a year.
Features of a GreenPoint Rated Single Family Home
No chimney / fireplace promotes better indoor air quality
Shade Tree
High-efficiency LED lighting
Zero-VOC paint on interior finishes
Rapid renewable bamboo or cork
Peephole to view callers for safety
Sizable overhangs for sun shading and to protect siding

Water efficient landscaping, ideally with California natives and minimal to no grass lawns

Above is an example of what a GreenPoint Rated home might look like, and the features that can earn points towards a GreenPoint Rated label.
Green homes come in all different shapes, sizes and styles. They consist of a lot of decisions throughout the home, landscape, and
maintenance practices. GreenPoint Rated provides a menu of options to choose from to meet your personal goals, preferences and budget. Build It Green also has a directory of trained, certified green building professionals to guide you through the process.
What is a single family home?
- A residential building legally defined as a single family residence OR
- a residential building < 5 units composed of 2+ units that have separate utility meters (e.g. townhomes).
To learn more about the multifamily go HERE.
Which single family system should I use?
For single family homes there are three pathways available. Select the one that applies to your home for more details to pursue a green certification.
A previously constructed home that isn’t adding any significant new living space and keeping >10% of the interior features intact with original foundation, and exterior finishes. The elements label is ideal for homes interested in doing a light update to conservation and health features throughout the home.
Action Steps You Can Take Today
- See where your home currently stands by using the Green Home Calculator.
- See an example of the Existing Home Single Family checklist.
- Interested in DIY? Deep dive and purchase a Existing Home Single Family Manual to start learning what options you have and ways to meet proven and scientifically backed sustainability standards.
- Connect with a GreenPoint Rater to start the rating process, and/or get guidance for how you can make the biggest impact with your home given your goals and budget.
A previously constructed home that isn’t adding any significant new living space and keeping >10% of the interior features intact with original foundation, and exterior finishes. The elements label is ideal for homes interested in doing a light update to conservation and health features throughout the home.
Action Steps You Can Take Today
- See where your home currently stands by using the Green Home Calculator.
- See an example of the Existing Home Single Family checklist.
- Interested in DIY? Deep dive and purchase a Existing Home Single Family Manual to start learning what options you have and ways to meet proven and scientifically backed sustainability standards.
- Connect with a GreenPoint Rater to start the rating process, and/or get guidance for how you can make the biggest impact with your home given your goals and budget.
Action Steps You Can Take Today
- Purchase the New Home Single Family checklist.
- Interested in DIY? Deep dive and purchase a New Home Manual to start learning what options you have and ways to meet proven and scientifically backed sustainability standards.
- Connect with a GreenPoint Rater to start the rating process, and/or get guidance for how you can make the biggest impact with your home given your goals and budget.
Get Your Home Rated
The first step is to connect with a GreenPoint Rater which you can find in our Certified Professional Directory
For more detailed information on the process and associated fees go HERE.

GreenPoint Rated Home Spotlight